Master’s Program in Pharmacy educational activity has been started since 1980, while Master’s Study Program in Pharmacy was officially held based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number 589/Dikti/Kep/1993 on October 23, 1993. As a continuation of the higher education degree at the undergraduate level, Master degree consists of academic-oriented and applied-oriented education.

Master’s Program in Pharmacy aims at producing graduates who are proficient in the field of science and/or pharmaceutical profession, have high integrity, are able to develop science and professional skills independently in a wider spectrum, are sustainable and aware of the nature interdisciplinary excellence in science, and are able to provide benefits of knowledge and skills for the people and nation of Indonesia.

In addition to the regular program, Master’s Program at School of Pharmacy ITB also carries out special educational programs in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry. This program is intended to strengthen the research and development of the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia. Innovative and original products are expected to emerge from this activity and strengthen industrial research resources.

Subject Choices and Competences of Graduates

The subject choice for Master’s Program at School of Pharmacy ITB is part of Master’s Study Program in Pharmacy. Each subject choice defines competences in accordance with its specific proficiency focus. However, all subject choices set the pharmacy color on the competence of graduates, considering that graduate skills are targeted for the development of pharmaceutical science in various other relevant fields of science.

The subject choices for Master’s Program at School of Pharmacy ITB are as follows:


Including Pharmaceutical Chemistry Field, Food Analysis & Safety, and Medical Chemistry.

Competences of graduates:

  1. Being able to design, compile, and carry out the development of analytical methods for drugs, cosmetics, and food, both independently and in groups.
  2. Being able to find and dig up information needed to identify, analyze, define, and solve problems encountered in the fields of chemical, physicochemical, and microbiological analysis used for medicine, cosmetics, and food.
  3. Being able to participate in standardization of medicine, food, and cosmetics.
  4. Being able to participate in the discovery and development of medicinal, food, and cosmetics chemical compounds.


Including Pharmaceutical Technology Field, Biopharmaceuticals, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

Competences of graduates:

  1. Being able to design, compile, and carry out research in the pharmaceutical field and then analyze its results both independently and in groups.
  2. Being able to identify problems in formulation, technology, and quality evaluation of pharmaceutical preparations, including biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetics aspects (.and solve these problems.).
  3. Being able to design and standardize drugs and other pharmaceutical preparations to meet the expected quality standards.

Competences for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology sub-choices:

  1. Being able to identify problems in the production and quality control aspects of pharmaceutical biotechnology products and find solutions to these problems.
  2. Being able to design, compile, and carry out research and evaluate its results in pharmaceutical biotechnology field.
  3. Being able to follow, study, and assess developments in biotechnology with a molecular approach in various fields of Pharmacy (therapeutic products, vaccines, and diagnostics).

Natural Ingredients Pharmacy

Competences of graduates:

  1. Being able to develop analytical methods for natural active compounds, both in single form (metabolites) and groups of compounds.
  2. Being able to develop extraction and isolation techniques of natural materials.
  3. Being able to develop standardization methods for raw materials and medicinal preparations from nature.
  4. Being able to develop methods to control the increased production of secondary metabolites using tissue culture techniques and other plant biotechnology techniques.
  5. Being able to contribute in developing methods for finding excellent varieties of medicinal plant seeds besides other potential plant identification methods such as fertilizers or natural pesticides/fungicides.
  6. Being able to participate in the development of drugs from natural ingredients.


Competences of graduates:

  1. Being able to study and evaluate activities, efficacies, side effects, toxic effects, and interactions of natural/synthetic drugs with other substances and with the environment.
  2. Being able to develop the pharmacology-toxicology field and new methods in pharmacology tests.
  3. Being able to apply experimental pharmacology-toxicology data into clinical practice aspects.
  4. Being able to actively participate in standardization activities and policies in the field of medicine/health.
  5. Being able to select and provide information on drugs and other health products.

Clinical Pharmacy

Competences of graduates:

  1. Being able to study and evaluate activities, efficacies, side effects, toxic effects, and interactions of natural/synthetic drugs with other substances and with the environment related to clinical practice in the pharmaceutical community.
  2. Being able to develop pharmaceutical care for patients and clinical pharmacy care methods.
  3. Being able to apply experimental pharmacology-toxicology data into clinical practice aspects.
  4. Being able to actively participate in standardization activities and policies in the field of medicine/health
  5. Being able to select and provide information on drugs and other health products.

The requirements for prospective student’s expertise for each subject choice are as follows:

Pharmacochemistry Bachelor of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Food Technology
Pharmaceutics Bachelor of Pharmacy, Pharmacist
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Bachelor of Pharmacy, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine
Natural Ingredients Pharmacy Bachelor of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture
Pharmacology-Toxicology Bachelor of Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Biology
Clinical Pharmacy Bachelor of Pharmacy, Pharmacist


Master’s Program in Pharmacy education aims at producing graduates who are proficient in the field of science and or pharmaceutical profession, have high integrity, are able to develop scientific knowledge and professional skills independently in a wider spectrum, are sustainable and aware of the nature of interdisciplinary excellence in science, and are able to provide benefits of knowledge and skills for the people and nation of Indonesia.


  1. Carrying out the teaching and learning process with materials in accordance with the latest developments in pharmaceutical science and technology, and stimulating students to explore the widest possible information through library collections, scientific journals, and internet facilities and participate in scientific meetings.
  2. Conducting research that is capable of producing scientific works that can be published in scientific journals, presented at scientific meetings, or patented or applied by the pharmaceutical science and technology user community.
  3. Continuously reformulating the curriculum of educational programs to adapt to the latest developments in pharmaceutical science and technology.
  4. Continuously improving the performance of human resources and supporting resources.
  5. Producing at least 20% of predicted cum-laude graduates per year.
  6. Accepting 60 new Master’s students per year with a strict selection of 1:1.4.
  7. Having 100% timely completion of study with an average GPA of 3.6.
  8. Publishing articles in scientific journals.
  9. Having at least 50 activities of expert services per year.
  10. Managing all A-accredited study programs.
  11. Having Lecturer Academic Performance Index (Indeks Kinerja Akademik Dosen, IKAD) > 3.00 (on a scale of 4) per semester.
  12. Having scientific publications per year consisting of 10 on an international scale and 20 on a national scale.

The admission selection of Master’s student is carried out by SPS ITB by following technical guidelines in the form of the SOP for the Selection Procedure of Admission of New Students for Master and Doctoral Program 005/UKA/2013 Year 2013. In the SOP, the resources involved in the selection process divides the tasks as follows:

  • KPPS (Komite Program Pascasarjana Sekolah/Fakultas or Committee of School/Faculty Postgraduate Program) is a student admission’s committee at the postgraduate program level at ITB. The KPPS members are the Deputy Dean of Academics and Student Affairs, the Head of Master and Doctoral Study Programs in the school/faculty environment, members of ITB Postgraduate School, who are responsible to the Dean of the School/Faculty based on the Decree of the Dean of the School/Faculty in the form of delegation.
  • SPS (Sekolah Pascasarjana or Postgraduate School) is an institution providing postgraduate education at Master and Doctoral levels.
  • The Committee of Entrance Selection Team is the committee handling the registration and selection of new students, responsible for administering tests starting from registration, formulation of questions, and other tests such as Group Dynamic Test which is formed based on the Decree of the Dean of the School/Faculty who is responsible to the Deputy Dean of School/Faculty Academics.

Admission of new students is conducted every semester and its registration is carried onlineProspective students are undergraduate graduates from accredited universities in the relevant fields in which complete requirements can be accessed here.

The selection process generally begins with prospective students registering online and submitting the required documents. The Committee of Entrance Selection Team will validate the document and prepare a selection schedule for each batch. Prospective students then take part in the selection and the results will be recapitulated by the Committee of Entrance Selection Team to be reported to the academic section and study program. The academic department and study program hold a meeting with KPPS which invites the Head of Study Program, the Chairman and members of the Committee of Entrance Selection Team. The result of the meeting is in the form of the issuance of a summons for prospective students who are accepted and a notification letter of results for prospective students who do not pass the selection.

Since 2015, the selection followed by prospective students has been divided into two stages, namely written selection and interviews. This is stated and regulated in more detail in the Guidelines for the Implementation of Master and Doctoral Selection specifically for SF ITB contained in the Head of Study Program letter No. 789/I1.C03.5.3/PP/2015 regarding the Selection of Master’s Study Program in Pharmacy.

The types of selection are as follows:

  1. Written test is carried out for 60 minutes consisting of two types of questions, namely regarding basic scientific knowledge and the intended subject choice.
  2. Interview is carried out orally for 15 minutes, led by the chairman from KPPS members to direct the selection process. Each examiner, consisting of three to four examiners from the related field of science, provides an assessment.

UPPS determines the acceptance aspects and standards of selection participants to maintain the quality of Master’s students in Pharmacy. The aspects and standards of assessment are as follows:

a.   Aspects of assessment during the interview:

  1.     The readiness to carry out Master’s study
  2.     The intelligence level of participants
  3.     The depth of pharmaceutical knowledge and insight possessed
  4.     The compatibility of Master’s Degree field with Pharmacy
  5.     The compatibility of Master’s Degree field with the participant’s subject choice
  6.     Behavior (attitude, emotion, way of communication) and others

b.   Criteria for acceptance of selection participants:

  1. Assessment by each examiner is given in numbers (0 to 100).
  2. The final score of each participant is the average score of each examiner. Then, each examiner writes a recommendation (rejected/accepted) for each selection participant.
  3. Participants are accepted based on the examiner’s recommendation during the interview, and the final selection score is written greater than or equal to 50.

further information

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